Friday, October 27, 2006
100 Moi things
Things I want/wanna do:
1. Resigne
2. Take a trip to Italy, Austria
3. An unlimited visa card
4. A new car
5. A nice & cozy house
6. A baby girl
7. Another baby girl
8. A new job taht I like
9. Disigne my own line of clothing
10.Meet Julia Butrous
11. Attend another concert for Fairouz
12. Lose some weight
13. Longer nails
14. Cut my hair very short ... but I'm soooo chicken
15. Go to lebanon again & again & again
16. I want my friend to be happy with a man that really loves her
17. I want my kids to be succesful
18.Be 20 again
19. Watch lots of movies, but I don't have the time
20. Have a darker tan
21. A yoga trainer (preferabely Madonna)
22. Go to NEW YORK
23. Go to LONDON
24. Go to Egypt
25. A new Ipod
26. Meet some really old friends
27. Ski
28. عايزة اروح السوق اشترى شوية حاجات وبعدين أبعت الفاتورة على مكتب جوزي .. مثل الأفلام المصرية
29. The perfect pair of Jeans
30. Finish watching all five 24 seasons
31. Stay close to my sisters "till death do us a part" (مو مثل بعض الناس)
32. Meet some bloggers
33. Be a good mother/wife/daughter/sister/friend
Things (& or people) I like:
34. My family
36. My Sony Vaio laptop
37. My car
38. My looks (أدري بتقولون شايفة روحها) bas I'm being honest here
39. My clothes (I'm really in love with everything in my closet)
40. Nail polishes (especially red)
41. Julia Butrous
42. Mobsters (the movie)
43. FNON (the chanel)
44. My type writer (yes I have one)
45. The Orange Revolution (3ashou illy yabonha 5)
46. Lebanon
47. Sunny days on the beach
48. "The Birth of Venus" the painting
49. Water
50. Pasta
51. Potatoes
52. Bread
53. Chocolate
54. The color White
55. The color purple
56. Gustav Klimt's paintings
57. Mariott Sharm El Shaikh Hotel (Ne3ma Bay)
58. Massimo Dutti (the store)
59. My TV
60. Jack Bauer
61. Caramel Log
62. Miscellaneous
63. Chocolate Bar
64. Lorenzo Restaurant
65. My tatto
66. Moulin Rouge (the movie)
Things( & or people) I don't like:
67. Meat
68. Chicken
69. Malcom in the middle (the show)
70. People who stare
71. Salmiya in weekends
72. Pizza Hut
73. The God Father (not the movie)
74. Pepsi & seven up
75. My job
76. Talking in the phone
77. Ramadan & Eid
78. Winter
79. Diving
80. Going to the saloon every now & then
81. Waking up in the middle of the night to drink water or go to the bathroom
82. Brown clothes
83. الشماغ
84. The Berney Mac show
85. Thai food
86. بو قتادة وبو نبيل
87. Hospitals
88. Bananas
89. Afandi
90. Wearing socks
91. Public schools
92. تشكيلة مجلسنا الموقر
93. Gaining wieght
94. Blogger (لما يعاندني وما يرضى ينزل الصور)
95. Dark hair (did it twice & hate it)
96. ناصر الصانع لما يقول NO NO Jungle Law
97. مسلسلات فجر السعيد
98. Al Muhallab Center
99. فيلم اللمبي
& last but not least:
100. قرقت عليكم وايد؟؟؟ السموحة
Now ... what do u want/Like/Dislike??
Consider yourself TAGGED
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Long list. Inshalah you get to do all the things you want. I can't wait to see your baby girls. You have an amazing tan already. You do not need to lost weight (Am I allowed to hit on my sister in law? you're hot girl). Fairouz, Lebanon, New York, Italy, Austria, can I join?
do a check list for the things you want & can do. Then update us later, if you don't mind :)
3. An unlimited visa card
- Bad idea!
11. Attend another concert for Fairouz
عليج بالعافية والطرب والانسجام
I didn't attend any :(
44. My type writer (yes I have one)
- I used to have two (Ar & En), but gave them to our neighbours.
48. "The Birth of Venus" the painting
- BTW, do you know what did Botticelli do at the end [of his life]?
الرجال تدين واستخف
64. Lorenzo Restaurant
- it's a good restaurant, but I hate the fact that it's packed with people who do not appreciate art & history.
67. Meat
- I'm a cannibal, WATCH OUT!
- I can't wait to see my baby girl too, but it seems like it's never gonna happen.
- El amazing tan ra7, & summer is gone too
- Loose weight!! not really bas in some areas
- Join? أخاف تغيرين رايج بعدين
Things I want & can do are rare
طلباتي صعبة شسوي
why don't you show us your list??
- Unlimited visa card that I don't have to pay back .. يعني آنا أصرف وبس
- Fayrouz .. الله يعافيك
- My type writer was a birthday gift from hubby, so I can't give it away
- من صجه هذا استخف وحرقهم
- Lorenzo .. lot of people go there to show off .. they don't care about the art & history & not even the food
- yimmah!!
73. The God Father (not the movie
لازم تقرين السلسلة الجديدة اللي راح احطها, راح تعجبك
و البوست عجيب
94. Blogger (لما يعاندني وما يرضى ينزل الصور)
اقدر اساعدج بهذى والطريقة كالتالى
استخدمى firefox
بدل من اكسبلورر
go to and download it
فجر السعيد المفروض يخلونها تدش الجامعة تدرس ادب
وتدرس تاريخ الكويت
واخر شى تدخل اعلام علشان تعرف اخلاقيات العمل الاعلامى
nice post
chan zain I could tell what I like and dislike like this! am so moody what I like now I can dislike in a matter of hours =/ bs khanshoof how you did =}
1.laish resigne! etmeleen!!
3. unlimited visa card, that's like finding the magic lamb!
inshalla etyebeen banoota amoora ya rab =} kollo be'ezno.
10. I met her, such a sweet person, a smart one too.
14. cut short! I support! =}
18. you do look no more than 20 tif tif tif.
27. ski shino? snow? wela water?
stuff you like I am with you all the way till Lorenzo, ever since I found hair in my ceaser salad ={ gross gross gross.
YOU DON'T LIKE WINTER!?? .. oh yeah wait I remember you already said that.. we're cool.
apart from that and chicken I am also with you, just add HAWALLY!! hate that area like.. something I hate very much!
well that was fun! I needed a break hehe let me go back to work now =} *HUG*
I do not do tags.
wo you cannot meet bloggers without me, 3ala gothethee, مثل الأفلام المصرية
nice list wallah wenshallah will have another girl :)
now you loved your can and you want new one ? how come :)
want: new car
like: bcbg store (can't believe you forgot to mention the store and de peche mode)
dislike: مسلسل الامبراطورة
couple of baby girls will look so cute on you...inshalla soon :)
49. Water
حلفي lol :P
أنا أحبه بعد مادري ليش
89. Afandi
اللي ما يحب الأفندي أكيد ما يحب الكنار :)
أنا بعد ما أحبه لازم أقطع ايدي عشان اتروح ريحته :P
nice post :)
kila ma6goog,
والله ماكو أعجب من بوستاتك
I read the first one .. & I like it already .. you're so good in such atricles
لا تحاتي قاعد استخدم فليكر وماشي معاي تمام .. بس هم أحتر من بلوغر
moody .. hmmm ... you soooo remind me of papi .. مثل ما يقولون الدم يحن
now let's see:
1.resigne .. coz I hate my current job.
bannotah ... allah kareem. did?? ليش ما قلتيلي؟؟
14. you support .. I'm chcken
18.لا تبالغين عاد .. I look no more than 21 & a half
27. ski .. snow .. Faria .. Lebanon
Hawally .. I don't like but I don't hate either .. جيراننا ما أقدر
W I liked your comments .. thanks hon .. & HUG right bach at ya
I said I wanna meet bloggers .. I didn't say i wanna meet mean blogger named PURG هوه انت تطول
أيضا مثل ما يقولون في الأفلام المصرية
Yeah .. I like my car .. but let's say that I need the new version of it .. with the same colors
white wings,
تصدقين ما أدري شلون نسيت ديبيش مود
الظاهر إيماني مو قوي
& a baby boy will look so cute on you too .. add to that a couple of pounds .. heheh .. كيفي نحيسة
أنا مو ما أحب الأفندي آنا أكرهه
وعيالي لو أكلوا أفندي - وطبعا مو آنا اللي اعطيهم لأنه ممنوع يدش البيت - بس إذا أكلوا منه أسبحهم علطول ما فيها غشمرة
وصاج لما تاكله لازم تقطع إيدك ليما تروح الريحة .. فالحل إنك ما تاكله
وجها ناعم
انثوى لا يعرف له معنى
تسير بهدوء
عيون ملفتة
تملك الروح الجاذبة للحب
كنت اتمنى ان تكونى لى
لكن مشكلتى اننى كنت اعشقق بالنظرات فقط
I thought the darker hair color looked very classy on you :)
And you are gorgeous from the inside out.. You're entitled to "tshoofeen nafsich" :*
Do you know who that anonymous guy is? I'm curious
وما ينلام ;)
And please give Malcom in the Middle another chance.. It'll grow on you I swear.
Love you.
Um nice post :P
However and its a BIG however how can you not like bernie mac!!!
maybe you dont get him see bernie mac is all about the things he doesnt say, read between the lines as they say.
oh yeah may all your wishes come true ^^
3. An unlimited visa card
16. I want my friend to be happy with a man that really loves her
12. Lose some weight
29. The perfect pair of Jeans
33. Be a good mother/wife/daughter/sister/friend
50. Pasta
51. Potatoes
52. Bread
53. Chocolate
i want all the above, i hope all your wishes come true, you're an amazing person
عاليه انا كاسر خاطري ال anonymous
i want:
-perfect healthy body
-live in cannes
-loose some weight
-get my long hair back
-a baby girl
-my dream project
i like:
-chi kong
-sun tan
-go to theatre n ny
i dislike:
-people n kuwait(nt all)
-stuipid people
i think theres more 2 add n each of the lists above bt dont wana talk alot :)
ohh one more thing i despratly want: a whole foods store n kuwait :((((((((((
hehehe liked this
28. عايزة اروح السوق اشترى شوية حاجات وبعدين أبعت الفاتورة على مكتب جوزي .. مثل الأفلام المصرية
oh and they do many funny things like
يدشون مطعم ويقعدون ويطلبون من الجرسون لو سمحت هاتلينا اتنين عشا هاهاها انزين العشا شنو !!! او يقوله عاوزك تملالنا الطرابيزه أكل
I want
ابي اتقاعد
ابي اتستت بالبيت
ابي اقرى الكتب اللي شريتها و ما عندي وقت
ابي اشوف عيالي بأحسن حال
ابي اتعلم الرسم
ابي سياره
ابي بيت 750 متر
ابي وديعه من فوائدها اصرف
اصغر 10 سنين
الف العالم لما اتقاعد
I Like
زوجي و اولادي
امي و ابوي و بله
presion break
محمد منير
مظفر النواب
I Don't like
الناس الوايد في مكان صغير
الصوت العالي
فجر السعيد
بنطلون ولدي اللي ما يستغنى عنه
لما ابدأ كتاب و يكون مليق بس اضطر اخلصه
I'm not blonde, I just pretend to be ..
- first of all .. dark hair looks classy on you ,, old & boring on me
وقلتلج أبي أضعف تتفخيني زيادة
- I don't know the guy
- Malcome in the middle .. I just hate the stupid little boy .. but i'll try .. جم تدفعين؟
W love you more
I've tried watching that Bernie Mac show .. & I admit it it is kinda funny but I just hate the guy
& thanks
WAW .. we have many things in common ..& Thanks honey you flatter me ;**
والله يكسر خاطر اللي يكسر خاطرج
بس ما بايدي شي
You want:
-perfect healthy body .. ya3ni I assume u wanna loose weight
-live in cannes .. an ultimate visa card would be of a great use
-loose some weight .. agreed
-get my long hair back .. ya3ni i was right to be chicken to cut my hair
-a baby girl .. agreed
-my dream project .. which is my designing project
You like:
-choclate .. of course
-yoga .. I like althought I've never tried it
-sun tan .. but of course
-go to theatre n ny .. Agreed
You dislike:
-stuipid people .. nobody loves em honey
تصدق هذي امنيتي .. ومن شفت فيلم عن جاكلين كندي تسوي فيه هالحركة وآنا أبي أسويها أكثر .. اشمعنى جاكي يعني أحسن مني
وصاج يضحكون .. يعني شنو هات لنا اتنين عشا?? وإذا رحت وقت الغدا وقلت له هات لنا اتنين غدا وتأخر الطلب وصار وقت العشا .. شنو راح يييب غدا والا عشا؟؟
ابي اتقاعد.. آنا بعد
ابي اتستت بالبيت .. آنا بعد
ابي اقرى الكتب اللي شريتها و ما عندي وقت .. آنا بعد
ابي اشوف عيالي بأحسن حال .. آنا بعد
ابي سياره .. آنا بعد وويا صبي
ابي بيت 750 متر .. آنا راضية ب375
ابي وديعه من فوائدها اصرف .. عجبتني
اصغر 10 سنين .. اكيد آنا بعد
الف العالم لما اتقاعد .. بس على شرط أكون صغيرة مو لما يصك عمري الستين
I Like
lost .. آنا بعد
presion break .. آنا بعد
البحر .. آنا بعد
الهدوء .. آنا بعد
الموسيقى .. آنا بعد
محمد منير .. آنا بعد
I Don't like
اللويه .. آنا بعد
الهياته .. آنا بعد
الناس الوايد في مكان صغير .. آنا بعد
الصوت العالي .. آنا بعد
الكذب .. أكيد آنا بعد
لما ابدأ كتاب و يكون مليق بس اضطر اخلصه .. عادي أخليه وما أكمله .. ناقصه غثا آنا
ما راح تعرفينى واسف اذا اضايقج بس جذى بالنسبة لى راحة يعنى على الاقل اعرف شلون تفكيرين وحلو انى اتخيل شكلج لما كنتى تمشين بالجامعة وماكو ميك اب وويهج احلى
واذا ما تبين اكتب مرة ثانية سمحيلى معلش
the god father... isn't he almost out of the picture :-)
and i have to disagree with you on the shmagh...I love that look
yallah lets meet :P
I wish I can simplify my life to a list. I think you told us alot about your's :)
I didn't say I wanna know who u are
Did I?
out of the picture? I think yes for now but i'm still afraid he's gonna pop up any time .. يعني معقولة يرضى بكل سهولة يطلع من الصورة شذي؟؟
3."unlimited visa card" that I don't have to pay back or funds as u said .. both will work for me.
6&7. "Inshala soon" .. والله مو مبين
9. "I'll buy them" .. WAW my very first dear customer .. flattered
12. "lose what? are you serious?" .. خلاص يبا هونت فضحتوني
14. "but I love your hair" .. Habeebti intai .. I just wanted to cut it as a change .. I've never cut it that short
lucky you .. I've been skiing in Lebanon only .. I wish I could visit some other places .. take me with you .. will ya?
welcome here .. it's my pleasure dear
yes you can .. just give it a try
you dont like wearins socks ?????
eee killa mn el r6oooba o lowaheeeb, hope that its gonna snow one day in q8 and `3a9ben 3aleeech you will wear it, btw i like your blog madry leeesh :p
I'm not blonde, I just pretend to be ..
لا صج؟ كويتية جلحه ملحة من وين شقراء؟
مو لازمج تان , انت اساسا سمرا
عن العياره
3ala shinu ur tattoo?
I'm curious to know ^_^
i wana get 1 , a tiny little one .
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