Since it's my 3rd blogaverssary, I'm allowed to post about almost anything
(as if at any other day i'm not!!!).

If you haven't tried it yet ... YOU SHOULD
It's amaaaaaaaaaazing
Now according to Wii's calculations, I'm 46 years old fit wise :((
That should encorage me to eat less, exercise more
But, How about eat more, exercise less??? I like that better
Now let's talk fashion
It's connected to the above subject anyway
Summer is hot, but clothes are amazing, & colors are refreshing
Fashion Rules made for breaking
Rule # (1) Women over 35 must not wear minis
Ya3ni after 4 years khalas a9eer 3ayooz ... hell NO
I say: If you got the legs & the guts, go for it. It's all about confidence not age.
Rule # (2) Don't show skin, itsn't sophisticated
Sophisti ... what??? If you know what to show & how to show it (& in Kuwait .. where to were such piece of clothing), plus how much is not too much, do it.
Rule # (3) Avoid clashing colors (hint: Princes Diana's Red & Pink Dress)
Rule # (3) Avoid clashing colors (hint: Princes Diana's Red & Pink Dress)
This summer is all about mixing & matching. Unexpected combination of colors can make wonders. (Red, Pink & Orange are the new Black, White & Pink)
Rule # (4) Never mix patterns
Again mix & match. different colors with same designs or different designs with same colors, also large prints with small ones. or .. just bring your personality up.
Rule # (5) If you love the brand, wear it all over you
NEVER do that, it'll indicate that you have money with no sense of style. An expensive shoes with a-not-so-expensive-dress would do the trick. (& I'll leave the expensiveness for you to decide)
Rule # (6) White on white is boring
It is definitely NOT. It's so fresh & romantic. Accessorise it with a colorful bag & shoes or with gold bracelets & Necklaces. You could also add a belt, which would give you a whole new style.
It is definitely NOT. It's so fresh & romantic. Accessorise it with a colorful bag & shoes or with gold bracelets & Necklaces. You could also add a belt, which would give you a whole new style.
Rule # (7) Handbag, Shoes and Belt should always match.
BORING. Handbag, shoes and belt should compliment each other but not by an exact match. Combine different textures in related colors that work with your overall look. Or just be yourself & choose whatever you feel can go together. (e.g: I love to mix Purple dress with Red shoes, Pink skirt with Green shirt, Light Blue dress with Lavender shawl & so on) Create your own match just by waring it :))
Sorry guys if this was too girli for you
But living with 3 boys makes me more feminine I guess (Although I can tell you all you wanna know about STARWARS Trilogy)
I even did what I wanted to do since .... I don't know when
Finally .. my living room is all purply .. YEY
و ين لجنة ظ.د عنج، صورة بدون هدوم!!! و هبي بلوغ عنافيرسيري
Wii- is awesome!!! I am 35 WII years old which is kinda sad since i am only 26!! LOOL :P
White on white is awesome! Love it! Especially if its linen....
Happy Birthday to the Blog!!!! :)
كل عام وانت بخير
shloon el sh3oor ??
ill be there in few days
kel 3am wenty bkheer
yay me love your post ;*
Happy Blogeverasary and yeh me 2..Politics bore me nowadays.
I don't know you.
Happy 3rd blogversary Alia! May we all be visiting and congratulating you here on your warm and lovely blog in another 3 years inshallah :)
Yeah... I am tired of politics too and tired of being cranky about it. Te3ebt min my own political nervezza. I think its time to chill, rest, sit by the sea and watch the clouds scooting across the sky, have fun and giggle lots with true and loving friends over tons of good food. Hurrah for summer vacation! :)
Loved your fashion statements. Tara 35 is the new 25, and all the old standards are off in terms of fashion and age. Besides, have you SEEN how GOOD 35 and 40 look these days? Some women are hotter than when they were 20 and 25.
And white on white is awesome! Especially when paired with accessories like chunky bangles, gold wrist cuffs, or lots of thin gold bracelets up one arm, or big exotic chandelier earrings popping out in the middle of all that white. Oh, and beautiful little sandals with tiny jewels or colored stones. Conversely, I love the negative of this with black on black and silver. This summer happens to find me in love with cream, gold, baby pink and white.
hold on
i'm 36 and I don't have the legs:(
no minis for me??
happy blogaversary dear
i truely miss you
I love white on white
and i love to wear BCBG all over :)
i always leave this blog happier :****
كل عام وانتي بخير
ومدونتج بخير
وخلي عنج سوالفهم المالقه
الشباب شباب الروح
ولي صارت الروح شابه
شحلات الفوشيا عليها
ويا حلات الابيض مع الابيض
قلت لج خليهم يولووون
محد يملل الا حجيهم
لا تييبلي طاري هاللجنة الخايسة
ترى الحين احط الصورة كاملة
وقد أعذر من أنذر
welcome here dear
& thanks ;* 3oqbalik
وانت بخير وصحة وسلامة
ترى الغيبة طولت
kila ma6goog,
Sh3oor el 3 years taq9id?
so 3ady ... nothing special
وكل عام وبلوقك بخير مقدما
:** & me love u
Thanks babe
اي صفي مع النحيس اللي فوق
Thanks dear .. yisma3 min bu22ik rabbina :)
white wings,
I don't have the legs either, do you think I care? ... NO
plus .. nothing wrong with your legs .. it's the laura ashly taste thats killing you :)
I miss you too, but what are we gonna do with your hectic scheduale
وإلا انا بطالية ما عندي شي
& white suits you beautifully
(Shhshh ,, BCBG all over is something u & I allowed to do)
a7la mamloo7a bel kuwait,
وانت بألف خير حبيبتي
عبالج انا دايرة لهم بال
والله ولا لي شغل فيهم
بس في وحدة مأذيتني هالايام(وأول حرف من اسمها شروق) .. تقوللي وايد تلبسين بنفسجي .. ومن خوفي منها احاول البسه يوم وترك .. بس هم مو مفتكة ... اليوم لابسة أزرق فاتح وغصب تقوللي لأ هذا بنفسجي
كل عام وانتى بخير
وانت بألف خير
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