I recieved an email from a dear friend titled "What goes round in Kid's Minds" featuring this picures among many others. Which took me back to the year 1985 or so

This was one of my biggest fears as a child
كنت أحلم فيهم يطلعونلي من تحت الأرض في بيت خالتي في الجابرية
وآنا أحاول انحاش منهم واصعد الدرج .. ودايما يخلص الحلم قبل لا أعرف كلوني وإلا لأ
كان أخرع حلم، وكان يييلي تقريبا كل يوم
Back then
Back then
We used to watch a TV series called
It was a hit back then, or we thought so :))
It was a hit back then, or we thought so :))
& the story goes like this:
"Stephanie Harper"

has it all (We thought so too, we used to look at her with our eyes wide open, as if she was a goddess) .. beauty, richness and a loving husband. That is, until her husband falls in love with her best friend. In order to get her money he pushes her off a boat and into the waiting jaws of a CROCODILE. (Couldn't find an english version for those videos, but you'll get it)
However, she survives the attack and although horribly disfigured, spends months under the operation table to have her face restored to a different beauty.
However, she survives the attack and although horribly disfigured, spends months under the operation table to have her face restored to a different beauty.
Now, she returns to the city under a different name and with a different face to seek vengeance on her husband, who has told everyone she was taken by a CROCODILE, and is now waiting the 7 year legal waiting period until he can gain her money and marry her best friend. (IMDB.com).
I'm laughing at myself .. I don't mind watching it now
in fact I might do :))